
As a Presbyterian church, we are led and governed by elders elected from among our members along with our pastor. The Session is our local governing body and is currently structured to have six elected elders on the board, with our pastor serving as moderator.  Typically, each member of Session chairs a subcommittee of Session.

If you feel called to serve in one of these areas, please speak to the Pastor or the Session member responsible for the committee. Your help will allow us to have greater impact in our community and the world.

The Session

  • Ralph Adams           –  Clerk of Session & Christian Education Committee
  • Paul Bassett             –  Facilities Committee
  • Mac Hammond       –  Mission & Outreach Committee
  • Diane Lange            –  Worship & Music Committee
  • Andy Murray           –  Evangelism Committee
  • Watt Ramsey           –  Congregational Life Committe

Moderator:   Rev. Dr. J. Lawrence Cuthill, Pastor


Jennifer Demoise      –  Finance & Stewardship Committee


The Board of Deacons

  • Lynne Adams
  • Harriet Dougherty
  • Toots Fraser
  • Cristin Klaus
  • Jetsy Murray
  • Mary Ellen Newman



Bill and Wini Babione serving with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ)

Director of Music

Cynthia Hansen

Our Church

Rev Dr. J Lawrence Cuthill

3190 Grand Ave.
P.O. Box #220031
DeLand, Florida 32722
Map & Directions
Sunday Services
  • Children's Sunday School (Barnes Bldg) 09:00am
  • Adult's Sunday School (Parlor) 09:00am
  • Fellowship Time (Barnes Bldg) 10:00am
  • Worship Service 10:30am